fubabee--Lisa’s Design Studio

Etsy Shop Name: fubabee – Lisa’s Design Studio

What you sell: I sell personalized stationery and wedding invitations

Tell us about your featured item: This is my first wedding invitation layout. It was also the first to be sold, and is the most popular set to date. It’s a little different than your standard wedding invitation. I think that’s why this set gets the most inquiries. It’s fun.

How do you decide on the price of your products?

Pricing has always been a hot issue. For me, I make sure I cover all my costs first and foremost. Because this is as much an investment as it is a hobby, I always look for ways to reduce my expenses, my costs of goods sold. I definitely buy in bulk to save and factor shipping, packaging and labeling costs into my products. Without giving away my formula, I’ll also say that the amount of work it takes to create say, one set of note cards from start to finish, is factored in as well. What I haven’t factored in is the initial amount of time spent on product development. That’s definitely something to consider in the future, although right now, I’m happy to consider that part of general administrative time.

How do you market your Etsy shop?

I do a lot of background research first. A LOT of reading. I google market trends and read stories on the wedding and retail industries. I visit well-known shops, boutiques, blogs, sub to newsletters. All of this information gives me ideas on how to better put myself out there. I’ve set up my own blog, and am in the midst of setting up my own full website. I join social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and join street teams on Etsy. In short, the way I market myself depends on what my goal is. Last year my goal was just to start selling. This year I am looking to get mentions in magazines. I think your success depends on your goals. You just can’t promote blindly. You have to have a purpose to it.

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