
Etsy Shop Name And Address: ThePaintedTiger
What you sell: Hand dyed yarn, silk, and custom knit scarves.
Tell us about your featured item: “Cheerful” is typical of my fun and bright colors of hand dyed yarn. Two shades each of blue and yellow are alternated to create this classic combination. “Cheerful” has been featured in several treasuries, and one even made it to the front page of Etsy.
Link to your featured product:
Have you taken any business classes to help you prepare for being an Etsy shop owner? What class would you like to take?
No, I have not taken any formal classes. When I started ThePaintedTiger (several years before Etsy!), I did quite a bit of research on the internet about what I needed to do as far as legal issues. I also read quite a bit, and recommend any of the Nova Small Business Made Simple series of books. For internet sales, I also recommend the book “Advertise, Promote, and Market Your Business or Web Site for Little or No Money” by Bruce Brown. Be sure to check your local public library, they have many small business, marketing, and accounting books you can use for free.
Although I would love to take a business class, I find that most small business classes are directed at service or brick & mortar stores. This is a gap that I’d love to see filled, as so many more people are selling on the internet and there are special issues involved with that.
Do you hire an accountant to help with your Etsy shop finances? Why or why not?
No, I do not. I’m a do-it-yourself kind of girl, and I find that Quickbooks works well for me. Before that, I kept my accounts on paper. The trick for any system is keeping current!

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